• Welcome to Butler Catholic School!
    Welcome Home
    5 FADE
    Welcome to Butler Catholic School! Welcome Home /admissions _self
    STAR Student Financial Aid Program Apply Now for 2024-2025! Admissions and Aid /tuition-and-assistance _self
    Technology Integration Integrating technology into our daily curriculum ensures students are prepared in today's technological world. Teaching with Tech /technology-integration _self
    Individualized Student Attention Butler Catholic School is committed to effective student teacher ratios that encourage
    positive, nurturing connections. Individualized attention from teachers is what
    sets us apart from other educational environments.
    Meet Our Faculty /staff _self
    Excellence in Education At Butler Catholic, long standing traditions of academic excellence,
    Gospel values, and the development of the whole child come together.
    Learn More About BCS /about _self
    Gospel Values Gospel values are not only taught in religious classes, but are integrated throughout each day’s activities.
    Our students are permeated in an environment where the love of Christ is shared and celebrated.
    Spiritual Development /spiritual-development _self